-It Was Cool-
I don't feel like reviewing. Oh yeah,and I need two put more than one sentence down.
-It Was Cool-
I don't feel like reviewing. Oh yeah,and I need two put more than one sentence down.
Yeah,It would be pretty pathetic if you made a series that only lasted four episodes.
-I Hate This Episode-
It's pointless and short. My god,the introduction was longer than the flash it self. Stop putting a "To Be Continued" after one minute the movie started,even my "Flash" movies are longer than this one. I don't want to hate "Stick Slayer",I want to like all the "Effort" "Flash" movies. I hope the next one is longer.
-One Sentence-
I hate "To Be Continued",might as well make a
"To Be Continued Slayer".
-Stick Slayer Launches-
That was sweet,too bad about his pencil though. And this flash movie is so true,I'm still a fan of "Xiao Xiao" though.
-Oh Yeah-
Now that's what I call a trailer. Ok I'm going to review the rest of your' "Sitck Slayer" episodes.
-First Movie-
Wow,your' first movie I'm impressed. I also seen those ninjas on "Dexters Labrotory",the charecter is pretty cool. Even a loader,a thing I hav'nt even mastered yet. Great,in your' next "Flash" movie make it funny or a better plot at least,it seemed pretty dull. Happy "Flashing"!
-Just In Flash Form-
This is the same thing that happened in Drangon Ball Z,but in flash form instead. I could see this on my computer with KaZa. I don' mean to say this in a mean way but try thinking of your' own I ideas. You can still make it "Dragon Ball Z" but try to make it new,not somthingthat hapend already like "Janenba is born". Good luck in your' next flash movie.
A very good episiod. I feel sorry for the idiots who never read "The authors commrnts". Also,nice "Atari" shirt.
-I Don't Care-
I realy don't care if the clocks made this or not,it was funny. I also hate shorts,yet this is still funny. But that dos'nt mean I'm going to dich my sceename and become a fake clock and make my entire "Newgrounds" life a lie. Another thing,the portal is shared by all,no one is the king or qeen. And I thought the clocks wanted to make peace with everyone.
Joined on 3/16/02