-I'll reveiw wile I'm waching it-
Warning reader-this spoils the movie.
It's not a bich to load,I have a dial-up conection and it was very easy to load. The "press start to play" sound was a good way to wake up the veiwer and tell them the movie's ready. I wish I had a scaner,you have nice art skills. Oh this is cool violence senes from Super Smash Melee. Showing the veiwer what happend last time was a good Idea (I seen your last one thought). Nice Sonic Adventure 2 music. It must have been hard to rip off all those sounds from video games. Luigi must have been so pissed after what Sonic did. Asome battle scene. Whoa,Luigi just tricked Sonic,that was unexpeted,great fight! Tweening needs a bit more work. Oh crap a bomb-omb! Aww that looked so cute to.
-After Movie Comments-
That's asome and and all,but please put shadow in the Super Smash tournament. Hey,it would be pretty cool if you responded.